Why my car makes a loud sound when I go in reverse.
I want to share my experience "to back my car" thunder, that is to say it makes a sound like that if one piece hits another, my car is a Toyota 2.4.
Several people had commented that this was a problem with the direction of my Toyota 2.4. I took it to the mechanic and he instantly told me that it was the steering so he started to check it and said that the steering of the car was in perfect condition, so he proceeded to check and saw that the top rubber was worn and said that was the problem that caused the car to back down when thundering. So we changed the butt ends.

After several days the car continued to thunder as it receded, but only a few times, took it back to the mechanic and finally found the real problem and it was a bad case that the valinera was badly set back and that was why that sound was occurring. The valinera front of the driver's wheel to be more specific.
Now the car is perfectly fine and no longer thunderstruck as it recoils.