Best diet to lose weight
This is a personalized diet plan to help you lose weightThe important thing about this diet is that it will help you to:
- Reduce your appetite
- Lose weight quickly without stopping eating.
- Improve metabolism

Here is a simple step plan to lose weight fast.
- When I get up I drink a glass of warm water.
- Include low-carb fats, proteins and vegetables in your daily meals in a range of 20 to 50 grams daily.
- Include in your diet all kinds of meats, from beef, turkey, chicken and pork in lower consumption, you should consume pork only 1 or 2 times per month. It should also include the consumption of shellfish such as salmon, shrimp, fish, and fish, shellfish: salmon, trout, shrimp, etc. You need to eat protein, so you can't push it aside. But always taking care to abuse its consumption.
- It is proven that high protein intake helps reduce cravings and anxiety to eat.
In the afternoon consume a fruit. And after another eat another fruit.
For dinner we leave you some healthy and low calorie options.
A dietary sandwich.
Besides being an easy meal to prepare it is made in a very short time. A very healthy option is a vegetable and legumes sandwich, which includes lettuce, tofu, avocado and shredded grilled chicken, you can also add some low-fat dressing.
Steamed vegetables
Another very healthy and low-calorie option consists of a steamed vegetable dinner with chicken or salmon, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes and broccoli.
And finally
if you want your diets to work properly you must be persistent and respect all
the tips we mentioned.
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