Monday, April 29, 2013

How to reduce waist

How to reduce waist

To reduce the waist can do exercises to burn fat and lose carvings on the waist. A small waist silhouette makes very feminine, so it is normal for women to want to reduce the size of the waist. You must know that the waist size is determined by bone structure also influences the age and genetics. If you look there are many women who are skinny but almost no waist, but have made exercise and diet to reduce waist size. So you should exercise and diet to reduce waist but go as far as your bone structure allows.

Exercises to reduce waist

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To reduce waist there are a number of exercises that can help to burn abdominal fat, reduce waist size and marking. Among the best exercises to reduce waist are:
Rotate the waist "twist": With the twists will work the muscles that usually do not move with other exercises. To make twisting waist slimming legs should stand with semi open, place your hands on your waist and bend your knees slightly. Then you turn the waist as you can to the left and then to the right side. You must take care of the back position, at all times the back should be straight to avoid injury. Only you must move the body above the waist, hips should not move.
You should do 3 sets of 20 reps of twisting exercises to reduce waist carvings.

Circular waist exercises: are other exercises to reduce waist and burn fat. To make you stop twisting his legs slightly apart and arms raised. You breathe deeply, bending the trunk sideways, you make a good effort to tilt the trunk well. Make a turn to look at the ground without bending. Simultaneously you lower your arms as you go forward, touches the ground and ends to make a circle. Finish in the starting position and start again. Do the same exercise ten (10) times, and thus ten times more to the opposite side.


Combined exercises to reduce waist:  

Spread your legs slightly, back straight and bend your knees, arms crossed. Then bend the trunk forward, you should do a twist to the left and extend your right arm until you can touch your left ankle. Then go back to the starting position and straighten you and do the exercise to reverse. When you perform push forward a twist to the right and again turn right ankle with your left hand. 20 push-ups are recommended per side.

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