Sunday, February 17, 2013

Workouts, tips and tricks to get the flat abs

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All women dream of and want to have the flat stomach forever. I know you've always wanted to have a flat stomach but may not know how.
Everyone wants to get a flat belly and abdomen quickly and make the best workouts to do.
There are times when you just want to look good, no belly, no fat and quickly. Sometimes we want to be super thin and without a stomach, an example is, when our friends invite us to the beach at the last minute. 

Obviously, you will not be able to get results overnight but if you can have the flat stomach in a week, if you follow my advice.

   Secrets and tricks to get the flat stomach in a week

 There are several factors that will help you get the flat stomach and reach your goal of being able to wear your favorite bikini on the beach. This week you have to lose size and have the flat stomach and look very feminine figure, take care of your diet, the best exercises to get the flat stomach and avoid eating foods that make you fat and increase the size of abdomen, such as sodas, fats, junk foods like pizza, burgers, carbohydrates and other foods that add calories to our body.

Exercises to get the flat stomach in a week

I am not going to fool when I say have the flat stomach in a week, I referred to the girls you have your body well defined but inadvertently have gained a few pounds and have accumulated fat in the stomach. It includes women who have very large belly. No kidding anyone that's why I make this clarification.
Need to do 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise such as cycling, jogging or jumping rope.
Then need to do 100 crunches. That divide into 5 sets of 20 repetitions, you can rest 20 seconds between sets of 20 repetitions home abs.
A very effective exercise to lose belly is sitting in a straight-backed chair with feet flat on the floor, his stomach sunk, lower the body until the boobies hit in the legs, breathe deeply and count to ten, your body returns to the starting position and do 30 repetitions of this exercise.
Then with a mat on the floor and stuck to a wall, you lie down and raise your legs and lean on the wall, do 10 sit-ups fast, then do three more sets of 10 repetitions.
To finish the last 5 minutes of cardiovascular exercise such as jogging, walking, jumping rope and climbing stairs.
Having a flat stomach in a week is very easy if you follow my advice.
Remember that this week just eating fruits, grains and legumes, and only one day of the week you can eat meat.

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