Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Exercises to build and mark pectorals - chest

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Exercises to marck pectorals “chest”. I show you a detailed list of exercises to mark the pecs, defined pecs/ chest in men ease and at home. 

 Exercises to mark and define the pectoral/chest in men 

All are workout routines to build strong pectorals are very easy to make and the results are amazing, every day you will see how your pecs look better. 

Best workout routines for big strong pectorals / Chest-pecs

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  • Lizards or plates, 2 sets of 30 repetitions each day. 
  • A barbell or dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, open arms and then take the center front of the chest to raise both hands, do 2 sets of 30 repetitions. Perform this exercise standing or sitting.
  • Lying with knees bent, holding a dumbbell in each hand, extend your arms on the floor, and then you take your hands to the center and to raise your arms up in the center, then lower so the elbows touch the ground and then your wrists too should touch the ground and back up, 2 sets of 30 repetitions. 
  • Another terrific exercise to have strong pectoral and marked, is stop and pick up 5 kilos in each hand, alternately, you raise the dumbbell with one arm while the other goes down, breathing deeply, you do the 3rd reps with each hand every day. 
  • Lying on the floor with a dumbbell in each hand, arms are lowered gradually and slowly, then up and down again and repeat the routine, 2 sets of 30 repetitions, a total of 60 repetitions, you can rest one minute between September 1 and other exercises.
  • Practice swimming, it helps to mark the pecs, you can do a half hour of swimming, three days a week.
    For exercises done lying on the floor or on a table to exercise, you should ensure that your back is fully supported on the floor or on the table to avoid injury, if your back hurts you suspend the exercise.

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